U.S Tax Dollars Should Not Go Towards Funding Wars and Genocide

People who live in the United States and pay taxes must demand an end to our tax dollars paying for wars and genocides. The atrocities happening in Gaza highlight how complicit the U.S government is in oppression and violence globally. As U.S taxpayers we are also complicit and we cannot continue to allow our tax dollars to fund murder and death anymore. 

This is easier said than done as we know how little our government representatives in Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court actually represent the wants of the people who live in what’s now called the United States. To accomplish this will be no easy feat but it is necessary as citizens in the imperial core. When the question comes up of what can I do? A good starting point is finding groups or people in your local area or online community that are already organizing for this and figuring out what you can do to help them. Can you give them your time? Your money? We can all help in different ways and figuring out what we are capable in assisting with is key. If you’ve looked around and don’t see any group you can help, maybe start your own group, talk to your friends and family about it. There are many ways we can take action and at the core of each action is finding more people and doing collective action that adds to the global collective of ending colonialism, capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, etc.

Some of the collective actions taken place throughout the country and world the past several months have been: picketing arms dealers in the west, leaving their jobs, attending marches and protests, interfering with arms transportations to israel, political education, shutting down bridges and highways, amplifying Palestinian voices and messages, occupying buildings, creating political art, and so much more. This is not a comprehensive list of important actions to take, there are many more ideas and ways we can demand an end to the genocide in Gaza and also an end to U.S taxdollars funding violence.


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